Last updated on May 21, 2022
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Fashion isn’t all about following what’s trending on the internet: staying true to your own unique style matters most.

While you might get some of your inspiration from other people, fashion is the best way to externally express what you’re passionate about.

If you have no clue what your style is or how to figure it out, this step-by-step guide to defining your personal style can help you cultivate an authentic look!

Understand Your Body Type

No matter your shape and size, there are clothes to make you look and feel fantastic.

Dressing for your specific body type doesn’t have to be the end-all of your personal style, but it’s an excellent place to start if you’re uncertain about fashion.

For instance, if you love to wear outfits that contain leggings, learning how to find leggings that fit your body type is a great way to start building ensembles.

Get Inspired

Inspiration can come from many different places, but you should start by looking to friends, family, celebrities, blogs, and magazines for ideas and outfits that interest you.

 Don’t stop and think if you could pull it off as they do; instead, tear out the page or save it to your phone if it catches your attention.

Try to determine why each outfit or item caught your attention and categorize them into different styles.

Don’t panic. 

It’s normal to have more than one specific style, as it makes your fashion taste unique.

Take a Look Through Your Existing Closet

Look through your existing closet and pull out the specific items that make you feel fabulous and happy when you wear them.

Typically, these items will have something in common, and it’ll do you some good to determine what it is.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a set of different items you can easily piece together to build new and unique outfits. It should consist of some daring and unique items, but it can also include things like:

  • Classic denim jacket
  • Basic t-shirts
  • Neutral footwear
  • Black dress
  • Classy handbag

While your entire closet shouldn’t be your capsule wardrobe, it should be a substantial amount.

Having these items makes it much easier to build outfits and showcase your favorite bold accessories one at a time.

Try Different Styles

The fun part about fashion is that you don’t have to stick to the same style forever. In fact, you can change it up as much or as little as you want.

Trying new styles can be so much fun, and you can go into a few stores and try stuff on to determine if you like the design before you buy new clothes.

With any luck, this step-by-step guide to defining your personal style will help you find a fashion direction that feels right.

Remember that your fashion is your own, and that is your power.

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