Last updated on June 4, 2022
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Our skin is a complicated thing.

Millions of cells shed, regrow, and protect our bodies from outside bacteria and other harmful entities.

Because of this, it's no surprise that our skin suffers some undesirable aftereffects from time to time.

Fortunately, we've got a few at-home treatment options for common skin conditions for you to use to keep your skin looking healthy.

Skin Creams and Cortisone

If you suffer from one of the most common skin conditions, eczema, your best treatment options are hydrating moisturizers.

Eczema is a condition best known for causing inflammation and itchiness of the skin.

Commonly known as dermatitis, eczema frequently occurs in areas that easily dry out, like elbows and knees.

Moisturizing skin creams are typically the best treatment for this condition, though a dermatologist may prescribe a corticosteroid option, such as hydrocortisone, in extreme cases to bring down redness, itching, and other forms of inflammation.

Benzoyl Peroxide

One of the most common and dreaded skin conditions is acne.

We've all dealt with acne before, and it's never pleasant.

These uncomfortable, ugly red bumps generally form when oil or dead skin clogs our pores. Whether you're dealing with whiteheads, blackheads, or papules, they’re all different forms of acne.

Fortunately, there are many at-home treatment options for this common skin condition, such as peroxide or even some apple cider vinegar to help clean and flush out your pores.

However, a common side effect of acne is pigmentation, where the skin around acne darkens, and knowing about that condition helps prevent side effects.


Some people find themselves with red bumps that seem similar to acne, but not quite.

The red bumps on the skin caused by the condition, rosacea, form as a result of blood vessels breaking that irritate the skin.

Unfortunately, rosacea seems to be a genetic condition and is much harder to prevent. Fortunately, treatment options exist to keep blood vessels from breaking, such as oxymetazoline and brimonidine.

Another benefit of oxymetazoline is its ability to shrink blood vessels in the nasal passage. When blood vessels dilate, it results in stuffy noses and other symptoms that lead to physical discomfort.

Due to oxymetazoline’s ability to reduce interior and exterior symptoms, it’s a helpful and beneficial treatment to have on hand.

Aloe Vera

When it comes to skin care, a common condition nearly everybody encounters is solar erythema, otherwise known as sunburn.

Naturally, the cause of this condition is prolonged exposure to the sun, resulting in redness, sensitivity, and the eventual peeling of the skin.

Aloe Vera remains one of the most effective and beneficial treatments for sunburns.

While many stores sell bottled options, the best treatment is to cut off a fresh leaf of the plant and scoop out the aloe gel to apply it directly to your skin.

Aloe Vera contains calcium and magnesium and has inflammatory properties to help relieve pain and discomfort when applied to burns or small cuts.

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