Facial toning is not a new concept in the beauty realm.
From normal facials, to microdermabrasion, micro needling and microcurrent facial, facial toning treatments have been around for generations.
Your facial structure, tone, firmness, and contour, are all impacted by the formation of your facial muscles.
Just like any other muscle, a lack of exercise can lead to fat cell accumulation, loss of tone, and even atrophy.
Your facial muscles are no different.
Why Microcurrent Facial Machines Are Becoming Popular
Micro current facials are a non-invasive technique to enhance the muscle mass in your face. A low power current is sent through the skin to promote muscle contraction and mimic exercise.
A gentle tingling sensation is followed by a minuscule amount of pain - similar to when you have been laughing a little too hard.
Facial treatments that stimulate collagen growth such as micro needling ought to be used in conjunction with micro current facials because the latter helps your facial muscles support the renewed muscle tissue and collagen.
Combining these two treatments can give you surgical results without ever going under the knife.
One of the most popular micro current technologies on the market today is the Biosincron Beauty Star microcurrent facelift device.
Biosincron Beauty Star Review
The Beauty Star from Biosincron is one the first and popular microcurrent devices with proven results for 15 years mainly in markets like Europe and South America.
It makes use of advanced pinpoint muscle isolation technology that strengthens and smoothens your muscles to tackle fine lines, wrinkles and smile lines.
This 9-volt charged wand lasts for up to 100 hours and is easy to carry and use. The wand is adjustable to a range of settings to suit your skin’s sensitivity.
The contact tip is made of 100 % gold that is auto-sterilized so you don’t need to worry about infection or transfers.
Beauty Star specifications
- Medical Spa Grade single electrode microcurrent face lift device
- Microcurrent range up to 500 micro Amperes
- 9V alkaline battery operated with a life of 100 hours
- Dial Adjustable sensitivity control from level 1 to 10
- Auto sterilizing contact gold tip
- Painless and easy to use
- Portable and travel friendly
- Lightweight
Beauty Star Benefits and Expected results
Although results will tend to vary depending on your personal skin type and skin concerns, generally, Beauty Star has proven results across the board and may include some of the following benefits according to Biosincron.
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Lifts jowls, eyebrows, and eliminate double chin
- Improves facial and neck muscle tone and firmness
- Eliminates bags under eyes and puffy eyes
- Tightens saggy skin and enlarged pores
- Evens out skin tone and improves skin texture
- Re-hydrates and sheds aging skin
- Improves facial blood circulation
- Gets rid of bruises, cold sores, and pimples
- Reduces cellulite from troubled areas of body
Check out below before and after image to have an idea of expected results that can be achieved with this device.

Design and Shape

The Beauty star is shaped like a wand with pointed gold tip at one end and handle at other end.
The adjustable dial is placed below the gold tip for intensity control.
The battery is housed inside the single body device. Overall the design is pretty convenient to hold and use with one hand.
It is however, vital that if you are pregnant, using a pacemaker, of insulin pump, or if you have any other medical device implanted in your skin, you should avoid this treatment, or at least consult your doctor before usage.
Biosincron Beauty Star Usage Instructions
- Simply wash your skin normally, and pat dry gently.
- The pack comes with a conductive gel (Spectra 360 electrode gel) that must be applied before each session onto the skin.
- A flashing green light indicates the device is on. Gently slide and press the golden tip of the wand onto the areas you applied the gel to.
- You can change the intensity of the current from 1-10 by turning the knob near the tip.
- At the start, you will want to spend about half an hour not more, and slowly begin reducing the time allotted to treatments till they make up 3 to 5 minutes every other day.
- Gently cleanse the conductive gel from your skin after the sessions.
Check out below video to learn how to use the Beauty Star device.
Pros and Cons of Beauty Star
Does the Beauty Star actually work?
So is it really worth investing your time and money in Biosincron Beauty star microcurrent facelift device?
Our answer is yes, provided you are patient enough.
Most of the user experiences with the beauty star has been positive. You can check out the Fake Spot review grade for verified customer reviews here.The device is not so expensive and even comes with a money back guarantee and one year limited warranty which makes it worth a try. Only one need to be consistent and use it at least for the recommended period to see if it is working for your skin.
Microcurrent treatments are giving better results these days and many companies have developed their own devices to get better results. Also check out our review of the best microcurrent machine for home use.
Also read our review of NuFace Mini face lift machine